Comment & post Reply notifications

I’ve built a system of tubes to inform you when you have a new reply to either one of your posts or one of your comments.  It’s not fully exposed to the world yet, but I would appreciate a couple things.

  1. If you’re logged in, visit and see if you have any comments that show up.  Are they actually replies to you?
  2. Leave a comment on either this post that you’re reading right now, or a top level comment on the current Infinite Thread so I can see if my own notifications are coming as hard as they should be.

Edited to add:

3. you should now see an obnoxious red envelope up in the header bar when you have a reply to reply to.

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12 Responses ttto Comment & post Reply notifications

  1. tiki god says:

    hey now, I wonder if I get notifications of my own comments?

  2. storminator says:

    Three responses. Looks good so far.

  3. Wicked69 says:

    My comments page was empty, had one comment a couple weeks go, something about being in my bunk…

    Oh Hai!

  4. R10pez10 says:

    Comment sections were a mistake

  5. Hendell says:

    There has been a critical error on this website.

    That is all I see on the link, which may be caused by a 0 reply state given how few comments I make.

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