I’ve built a system of tubes to inform you when you have a new reply to either one of your posts or one of your comments. It’s not fully exposed to the world yet, but I would appreciate a couple things.
- If you’re logged in, visit www.myconfinedspace.com/messages/ and see if you have any comments that show up. Are they actually replies to you?
- Leave a comment on either this post that you’re reading right now, or a top level comment on the current Infinite Thread so I can see if my own notifications are coming as hard as they should be.
Edited to add:
3. you should now see an obnoxious red envelope up in the header bar when you have a reply to reply to.
hey now, I wonder if I get notifications of my own comments?
Three responses. Looks good so far.
so I didn’t account for unlogged in comments, so this reply will not show up in your message thing.
Also, I’ve made it mandatory to be logged in on all the subspaces for comments. maybe this will cut down on spammers too?
doubt it.
My comments page was empty, had one comment a couple weeks go, something about being in my bunk…
Oh Hai!
yeah this will mostly be for replies that were sent in the last 48 hours, it wasn’t doing notifications before then 🙂
That one worked 🙂
and now you should have a little red envelope at the top of the screen!
Comment sections were a mistake
human intelligence was a mistake, we should have all been just sitting around a campfire eating bugs.
but no, now we have to sit on our asses in a/c
There has been a critical error on this website.
That is all I see on the link, which may be caused by a 0 reply state given how few comments I make.
you likely hit it when I was trying to get the “updated since you last seent this page” thing working the way god intended. it involved a lot of errors, lmao